Lesson 1: Rocks, Minerals, and the Rock Cycle
Objectives: Students will be able to contrast rocks and minerals and explain how the three types of rocks form using the rock cycle.
Important Words:
- Minerals - Luster - Streak - Rocks - Igneous - Metamorphic - Sedimentary
- Heat - Pressure - Sediments - Erosion -Weathering - Cementation - Compaction
EXPLORE the Smithsonian's Dynamic Earth online exhibit here:
Apply Your
Watch the following videos on minerals
and mineral properties:
Watch the following video on types of
Watch the following videos on the rock cycle:
Complete the vocabulary review sheet by filling in the important words from above, a definition of the word, and a picture/image of the word.
Graphic Organizer
Complete the graphic organizer for the rock cycle using what you learned from the Learn section.
Complete the online lab experiment about mineral
If you need extra help, review this video on mineral identification:
Review your notes from the videos, vocabulary review sheet,graphic organizer and labs.
Logon to Edmodo and complete the quiz for 1)Minerals and 2)Rocks on CK-12 Science Practice:
Username: Firstname + Student id
(Ex: Kevin12345678)
Password: Falcon + Birthday
(Ex: Falcon05311985)
For extra review, login to Edmodo and explore the resources on the CK-12 Science Application.